Hi đź‘‹ My name is

Shayaan Saiyed

and I'm an IT professional looking for my first Software Engineer role

About Me


This Website


I built this website to try my hand at front-end development. Using pure CSS and HTML I wanted to create a simple and responsive website to showcase my coding projects.

Check out the source code on Github

Unity Create with Code

2020 (In Progress), Personal Project

Currently progressing through Unity’s Create with Code tutorial with the goal of creating a fun, simple, first-person shooter.

Predicting the happiness of a song

2017, Machine Learning Final Project

What it is:

We used data from the Spotipy API to train a linear regression model to predict the valence (happeniness) of a song based on other features. We also used K-fold cross validation to determine which features of the song were best at predicting valence

Tech used:

Python, Numpy, SciKit Learn

Github Link

Grammy run

2016, Game Programming Final Project

What it is:

A 2D platform game where the user plays as Lady Gaga to collect Grammys and avoid enemies.

What I did:

I built the 2D physics engine from scratch, which meant calculating things like collisions, player movement and enemy movement. I also designed the Lady Gaga meat dress sprite and the Grammy sprite.

Tech Used:

C++, OpenGL

Check out the source code on Github

Find Folks

2016, Databases Final Project

What it is:

A meetup clone where users can sign in to join groups with similar interests, add other users as friends, create groups and events and sign up for upcoming events.

What I did:

I worked on the functionality to create events, search for events, and create groups

Tech Used:

Python, Flask, MySQL DB, HTML/CSS

Check out the source code on Github


2016, HackHarvard Submission

What it is:

SpaceBaby is a rudimentary scale model of the Solar System that my team and I built over the weekend at HackHarvard.

What I did:

My contribution was programming the movement of the planets based on Kepler’s Laws. I was also in charge of learning the Babylon.js library and teaching it to my teammates. It was my first time developing with Javascript, which added created more of a challenge.

Tech Used:

JavaScript, Babylon.js library

Head on over to Devpost to learn more or to Github to see the source code